You know that time of the month right before your period when you feel moody, disconnected, out of shape when you workout, and overwhelmed?
This pre-menstrual phase is our “inner autumn” so during nature’s autumn season we’re going to teach you 5 simple ways to feeling more ease and less stress.
What We’ll Cover:
How It Works
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We’ll offer you simple ways to be in flow with your cyclical body for more ease and less stress.
Do you have 15 minutes a day? You’ve got this.
I help women with bed bound periods turn them into kick ass periods so they can live their lives to the fullest. I created the 90-Day Pain-Free Period Method for me and now I share this same method with other women in my group coaching program: Rhythm & Root.
Rhythm & Root was inspired by you, the rad women who dive into exploring the natural world, but have little experience navigating their own feminine landscapes.
Self-discovery, body literacy, and our connection to the natural world help to guide us to understanding our menstrual cycles and hormonal health. Working with our rhythms is just one way of optimizing our rad lives. For so many women, this is the magic key they’ve been looking for, and it’s my absolute pleasure to show you the tools you can use to achieve hormonal harmony and get rid of PMS and period pain.
I’m excited about your future cycle journey: one of hormonal harmony and blissful periods!
I’m here to help you live and sweat in sync with nature.
I used to think training harder would get me better results, until I landed myself in burnout.
On the outside, I probably seemed “healthy.” I was a personal trainer, runner, and taught others about fitness and wellness, but in reality I was completely exhausted.
Despite having a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Exercise Science and Sport Psychology, I was dragging myself through runs, not sleeping well, my body hurt, and I was relying more and more on caffeine to get me through the day.
It was a rock bottom moment for me, and since then I’ve learned how to challenge myself without feeling depleted. I’ve realized we have to take care of our bodies, if we want to take all the adventures.
The WILD Wellness podcast, programs, and products are for women mindfully exploring holistic health and seeking to embody what nature has always modeled — it’s not a sprint, but a cycle.
© Jenni Hulburt, LLC. All Rights Reserved.