Many of us learned that to reach our goals, we have to do more.
In workouts and life, this approach can lead to burnout.
Just like nature, a woman’s body goes through seasons, and these shifts happen within every month.
In this course, you’ll learn about feminine fitness, based on exercise physiology principles and the 4 phases of your cycle, so you can move your body according to your unique rhythms.
Train with your female physiology instead of against it, guided by the cycles and seasons of your body and nature.
Do you try to stick to regular workouts or a training plan, but it’s frustrating when your energy and motivation fluctuates throughout the month?
When you take a rest day or modify your workout, do you feel like you didn’t do enough or that your workout didn’t really count?
Do you miss workouts because of stress, PMS, your period, or you’re just too exhausted?
Challenging yourself in workouts (without feeling depleted)
Reclaiming the power of your feminine physiology (instead of trying to keep up with goals and workout plans designed for men)
Not feeling guilty on a rest day (and knowing you’re still making progress)
4 Phases in Feminine Fitness: How to use the Base, Build, Peak, & Recovery phases to guide your workout plan and goals over the seasonal and moon cycles
Your Cyclical Body Quick Guide with alignment of the workout intensities, sacred commitments, mantras, and moon phases for each of the 4 main anchors of the cycle
12 Step Feminine Fitness Action Plan
A digital and printable copy of the WILD FEM FIT Journal
The 5 elements you must have for a successful training plan to help you improve and make gains
How to build a training program or adapt your current one based on your cyclical body
Get a suggested list of exercises, sets, reps, and intensity for the 4 phases of your seasonal and monthly cycle so you can work with your cyclical body instead of against it.
100+ strength training movements in a quick downloadable sheet to create your own simple and effective workouts using my 7-part workout prescription (without being a fitness expert)
Jenni Hulburt has a Bachelors and Masters degree in Exercise Physiology & Health Psychology, and believes in a holistic fitness approach that honors the seasons and cycles within and without, to embody what nature models – it’s not a sprint, but a cycle.
Train with your female physiology instead of against it, guided by the cycles and seasons of your body and nature.
© Jenni Hulburt, LLC. All Rights Reserved.