What’s Draining Your Energy?
Tired of feeling tired? I remember saying this when I hit bottom with adrenal issues back in 2012. “I’m tired of feeling tired.”
I had started to notice that pushing too hard, ignoring my needs, not balancing work and rest… it drained my energy. I learned that self-care is not selfish.
You taking care of yourself comes first, even if you have other responsibilities or people who need you (especially if you have other responsibilities and people who need you)!
When you take time for yourself, and give your body the food, rest, and movement it needs, you will actually have MORE energy for life. Just like filling up a bucket from a waterfall — self-care habits fill your body with vitality so you can live your one WILD life.
In this episode:
- what drains your energy
- what fills you up,
- what decisions you need to make to live your one WILD life