Do Yoga At Work! 5 Moves in 5 Minutes

Do you suffer from the ‘sit-too-long-bum-is-getting-numb syndrome’?

Creating movement with your body can create movement in your mind. So when you’re feeling stagnant at work and need to get your creative juices flowing – move.

Moving is more than heading to the gym after droning at your desk. Exercise is more than push-ups and running. You can move anywhere – even at your desk.

If you want to feel different at work, you need to move different at work. Don’t let world-changing ideas, stress, and tight muscles keep you away from being productive and inspiring. Instead, let them move through you during your work day with 5 moves in 5 minutes.


(30 seconds to 1 minute)

Close your eyes for a moment and notice how you’re breathing. Are you breathing shallow or holding it in? Place one hand on your belly and as you breathe in, let your belly push out and expand into your hand. Send the shoulders back and down. Lift the top of your head towards the sky. Exhale and let it out.


(30 seconds to 1 minute)


Reach your arms up overhead and bring your hands together as you clasp your fingers and push the palms towards the sky. Bring your shoulders back and down away from your ears. Hold for a few breaths. Release and repeat.



(1 minute)

seated chair twist

Sit up tall with your feet on the floor under your knees. Inhale deeply and as you exhale, turn your torso to the side, without moving the lower half of your body. Reach and hold the back of the chair with your hands for a twist. Relax the tops of the shoulders back and down and use your hands on the back of the chair as leverage to deepen the twist. Now release and rotate to the other side for the same twist.



(30 seconds to 1 minute)

seated backbend

Inhale and raise your arms overhead. On the exhale, pull your belly in and reach your fingertips back and up behind you as you arch in your upper back. Keep your feet on the floor, gaze up, and breathe steady.



(1 minute)



Stand behind your chair and place your hands on the back. Step back with the right foot into a lunge. Bend into the front leg as you feel the stretch in the front of your hip. Hold for a few breaths and then switch sides. Open your arms out to the sides for a stretch through the chest and arms.



(1 minute)

Do you get headaches and eye strain?

Your eyes need a break from the screen and gathering information throughout the day. Set a reminder every 20 minutes to stop and look away from the computer or paperwork. Gaze up and look at something far away. Better yet, get up from the desk and move away for a moment.


Move with these 5 moves for 5 minutes each day for 5 days.

Do you know someone with a stressful job?  Share this post with them!

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