Healthy Body – Healthy Business with Meg Worden

Calling all yoga instructors, health coaches, wellness entrepreneurs, massage therapists, and people who want a body that can keep up with their business.

You’re going to love today’s guest here at – my friend and health coach comrade, Meg Worden.


Meg became a Health Coach because learning how to take care of herself through food and exercise radically changed her life.  Her story is incredibly inspiring, and her writing?  Engaging to the core.  Keep reading for our Q&A chat about “Healthy Body – Healthy Business.”

How does having a healthy body and healthy business go hand-in-hand?

Having a healthy business takes incredible strength, flexibility, creativity, tenacity and a high tolerance for vulnerability. Being an entrepreneur is wonderful, but it isn’t for the faint of heart. Often, it also requires long hours and some significant emotional and financial risks. Wellness is directly connected to strength and energy in, not just the physical, but also mental arena. Health and self-care should be among the top priorities of any good business plan. Also, humor.

What was a defining moment that set you on the path you’re on today?

There have been so many defining moments to becoming a health coach. It wouldn’t be an understatement at all to say that nutrition, exercise and working hard to change my narrative around scarcity have been the catalysts for all of the amazing things I have in my life. I spent many years using drugs and alcohol to cope with pain and vulnerability. I became very unhealthy and my energy was low and sad. Learning the power of taking great care of myself became the impetus for wanting to teach it to others.

How does your everyday life fit into what you’ve created?

I have streamlined my life and job to fit each other as much as possible. My life feeds my work by creating content for my business marketing. My own inner work gives me the experience to take the best care of clients. And even the parts of my life that may, seemingly, have nothing to do with my business end up feeding the whole by giving me the rest and relaxation to keep going.


You say “eating the best foods for your body can turn you into a conduit for art and for love.”  How does that work in your life and the art of your business?

Taking great care of yourself is an act of love. Radiant health makes you beautiful and clear minded and hearted. It is also an act of love for the people in your life who, instead of having to take care of you, can be uplifted and supported by your health. This is a space where, as an artist (or creative of any kind), you cannot only have the best ideas, you have the ability to follow them all the way through.


What lessons have you learned in creating healthy meals and a healthy business?

I can live life on my terms. I can choose the better way. I can create a stability of work and life that leads to the real riches of fulfillment.


Many people don’t enjoy what they do to make a living, and you seem to “make a living” at what you’re living – it’s an extension of your lifestyle.  What advice do you have for someone who wants to do what they love and love what they do?

Learn as much as you can, be prepared to work hard, keep your friends, mentors, coaches and colleagues close. Lastly, humor. Take your work seriously, but please take yourself lightly. Life is for the living.

Visit Meg at!



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