The Trail Blazers Path to a Wild Business with Jen Saunders
Do you ever wonder if you can really make a living doing what you love? What would it be like to follow your bliss and change the world?
Meet Jen Saunders.
Vegan hippie, spirit junkie, and an entrepreneur after my own heart. She stands for self-love, equality, sisterhood and making dreams come true.
Keep reading for Jen’s A’s to my Q’s about her trail blazing path to a business and life she loves. Maybe you’ll find some inspiration to…
What does your message – “love yourself, follow your bliss, change the world” – mean to you?
To me, the Wild Sister message is almost like a formula for life. Everything good starts with self love, it’s where true happiness starts and ends. Following your bliss is about doing what makes you come alive, listening to your intuition and finding your purpose in life. And when you love yourself and follow your bliss, you can’t help but change the world. Love yourself + follow your bliss = change the world.
What was a defining moment that set you on the wild trail-blazing path you’re on today?
There have been so many little moments. All those times I saw my girlfriends scowling at their own reflection definitely played a part in my passion for helping women fall in love with themselves. But my most defining moment was just before I started Wild Sister, I was going through a really hard time in my life. After months of being the victim in my story, I realised that I could expend my energy making myself miserable, or I could just as easily make myself happy. That decision to choose happiness brought me to where I am today.
How has embracing self-love changed your life?
It’s changed everything! Part of my commitment to choose happiness was to be kinder to myself. I started by smiling at myself in the mirror every day, and it just grew from there. To me, self love is a series of tiny daily actions that have completely transformed my inner and outer worlds. It’s made me more confident, more aware, and so much more in tune with who I am and how I want to live my life.
You have a “Health + Wellbeing” section in the Wild Sister magazine. What do you every day to stay healthy and well?
I try to stick to a plant-based diet as much as possible, as it’s what makes me feel the most alive and healthy. I also do whatever I can to stay relaxed by burning lavender oil, doing deep breathing and meditation when I need to, and getting my body moving, whether it’s on my exercise bike or by going for a walk along the local beach. Oh, and I laugh a lot, which always boosts my mood and my health.
What lessons have you learned in working with other Wild Sisters?
I think the biggest lesson I’ve learned is that women can work together, lift each other up and support each other. Before I started Wild Sister, all my experience working with women was from going to an all girls high school, where gossip and bitchiness ruled. Now, I know that it doesn’t have to be like that. We all have soul sisters out there who are cheering us on. I’ve also learned that absolutely every woman has a story to tell to inspire others. We all have something to offer, something important to teach our fellow sisters. There are so many amazing women out there doing so much good, it’s brilliant. And I’ve learned that when women work together, we really can change the world.
Many people don’t enjoy what they do to make a living, and you seem to “make a living” at how you live – your business is an extension of your lifestyle. What advice do you have for someone who wants to do what they love and love what they do?
My advice is to keep going. Find what you love and then find a way to earn a living while you do it. Make it happen no matter what. Three years ago, I had no idea Wild Sister was just around the corner. Up until then I’d been from job to job, looking for what I really loved. I remember how frustrated, unfulfilled and lost I felt on a daily basis, knowing that my dream job was out there somewhere. It turned out that I wouldn’t ever have ‘found’ my dream job; I had to create it.
It’s been challenging. I had no idea about running a business, or web design, or magazine publishing. But I had the passion, the drive and determination to make it happen. That’s all you really need. If you have that, you can learn everything else as you go.
About Jen
Jen Saunders is the creator of Wild Sister Magazine and the Wild Sisterhood. She’s a former city girl living by the sea with her husband. When she’s not creating the next edition, blog post or ecourse, Jen loves movie marathons, writing fiction and instagramming ridiculously cute photos of her pug.